Kate Tombaugh Gives My Orphan Songs a Home...Online

Before the pandemic swept our nation, mezzo-soprano extraordinaire Kate Tombaugh was scheduled to do a set of my not-quite-cabaret-not-quite-art-songs in a recital, as she does from time to time. In addition, we were looking forward to reuniting in June for Companionship at the Virginia Arts Festival, where she was going to play The Dough once again following her star turn at Fort Worth Opera. But, as well you know by now, these events fell right off the calendar.

Ever determined, Kate was not about to let a little thing like a worldwide plague keep us from working together again! Indeed, she has graciously taken it upon herself to record several these songs, sync them up with collaborative pianist Jennifer Quammen McGuire’s performance, and share them online.

Here is the small but mighty YouTube playlist. There will be a new song released every week for the next several weeks for a total of six songs, so keep your eyes peeled (gross) for more performances by Kate and Jenn on the way!


No Ladies in the Lady’s Book Published by E.C. Schirmer


How Do You Get to Carnegie Hall?