RACHEL J. PETERS | Composer/Librettist

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No Ladies in the Lady’s Book Published by E.C. Schirmer

At long last, I am a published librettist! No Ladies in the Lady’s Book is now available for sale and performance licensing courtesy of E.C. Schirmer. Not too long ago, I knew next to nothing about the transcontinental railroad, Enter Lisa DeSpain and Utah Opera into my life in 2018—suddenly I had a reason to learn a lot very quickly! We composers and librettists enter so many commissioning competitions and just never know what it going to stick. Of everything I have ever written, I would not have predicted that this would be the first to make it to print, but I couldn’t be prouder. Profuse thanks to Utah Opera for the prompt to bring this piece into the world, to the team at ECS for their hard work making this publication a reality, and of course to Lisa for being a consistently spectacular collaborator!

Take a gander and see if No Ladies is right for your opera company and/or music department’s needs.

And soon enough, there will be even more coming from Lisa and me! We’ve already been hard at work on Staggerwing for Opera Kansas, but there’s yet another project on the horizon. Details will be revealed soon, so watch this space for that in the coming weeks.

The cover art for the published score of No Ladies in the Lady’s Book. The image, created by Kristen Schade, incorporates artwork from Godey’s Lady’s Book.