Some COVID-19-Related Schedule Updates
I have recently given my website a facelift, but that’s not the reason my Events Calendar is looking pretty darn empty right now. Like every other creative artist I know, the vast majority of my upcoming plans were put on hold indefinitely due to COVID-19 concerns. I am pleased to say that so far I am hunkering down at home, and Matt and Gigi and I are well. But here are anticipated performances of my works which have now been postponed until further notice:
Source Song Festival's inclusion of "Furniture in the Hallway of Love" in their Intergalactic Night Club concert, which was to have taken place last week
Jennifer Beattie's performance of Ethel Smyth Plays Golf in Limbo at North Carolina State University
Kate Tombaugh's April 5th recital including a set of my cabaret songs
Ethel Smyth Plays Golf in Limbo at Carthage College
Companionship double bill at Virginia Arts Festival June 12th and 13th
The June 14th premiere of my new collaboration with Danielle Durchslag
For now, these are not outright cancellations, and new performance dates will be confirmed as soon as presenters are in a position to do so. There are still plenty of other tricks up my sleeve for the future, and at the moment, everything previously scheduled to take place from August forward is still expected to happen as planned. I will be sure to keep you updated as our strange world continues to turn, so check back periodically and follow me on social media for further information. I am sad, but we press on. Everyone’s health and safety are of paramount importance. Please stay home and take all of the necessary precautions to flatten the curve and remain virus-free.
Gigi is always home, so this isn’t very different for her except that she gets more attention from me!